Friday, October 22, 2010

Watching Over Us

It has been about three months since my friend Brandon Jennings passed away in a car accident and I miss him a lot. I always know he is watching us, though, when I see that one star in the sky.  The first time I saw it was when I went back to my high school for our homecoming football game.  The team was losing, but in the last quarter pulled it out and won.  Brandon's girlfriend, Sara, was standing next to me and turned to my crying.  She put her head into my chest and balled.  When she was able to speak she pointed at the dark sky.  There was only one star in the sky.  The second time I saw the star was last night.  I was working and someone told me to look at the moon.  I looked at the night sky and saw a huge full moon with a glowing ring around it.  When I looked closer the ring looked like a rainbow, and because of the clouds the moon looked like it was moving.  On the right of the moon I saw only one star in the sky.  I know that one star is Brandon, and  he is doing a wonderful job looking over everyone of us(his family, friends, and loved ones). love you and miss you Brandon M. Jennings.

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