Friday, October 22, 2010

Watching Over Us

It has been about three months since my friend Brandon Jennings passed away in a car accident and I miss him a lot. I always know he is watching us, though, when I see that one star in the sky.  The first time I saw it was when I went back to my high school for our homecoming football game.  The team was losing, but in the last quarter pulled it out and won.  Brandon's girlfriend, Sara, was standing next to me and turned to my crying.  She put her head into my chest and balled.  When she was able to speak she pointed at the dark sky.  There was only one star in the sky.  The second time I saw the star was last night.  I was working and someone told me to look at the moon.  I looked at the night sky and saw a huge full moon with a glowing ring around it.  When I looked closer the ring looked like a rainbow, and because of the clouds the moon looked like it was moving.  On the right of the moon I saw only one star in the sky.  I know that one star is Brandon, and  he is doing a wonderful job looking over everyone of us(his family, friends, and loved ones). love you and miss you Brandon M. Jennings.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Jackass 3D

So I am really into the new 3D movie phenomenon, and I got to see another 3D movie the other night.  A couple of friends and I were sitting in their dorm room, bored, so we thought it would be a good night to go to a movie.  We decided on Jackass 3D.  All the other Jackass movie’s were in regular film so it was something new and exciting for Steve-O, Johnny, and the guys. The movie was filled with gross, but hilarious scenes that the members took part in.  One of my favorite scenes included the guys sitting behind the engine of a Jet and having things thrown at them.  Shoes and tomatoes were thrown, but with the speed that the air is coming out of the engine I can't even imagine how much that hurt!  In real life when I watch someone get hurt I try not to laugh, even though truthfully if it is a minor injury I usually do, but watching it in a movie made me laugh the entire time.  I recommend this movie, but only to people who have a sense of humor for these things; and WARNING you will see poop and puke multiple times.  It was almost gagging, especially since it was 3D!

Friday, October 8, 2010

My Superhero Boyfriend

It was a nice evening on the night of August 16, 2010 in La Crosse, Wisconsin.  It was my birthday and my friends came over for some dinner.  Once they arrived around 5p.m and stepped in my door they threw balloons in my face and handed me card saying, “happy birthday!”  I read the card and it read that I was being set up on a blind date for the night.  I thought to myself what a stupid idea and this guy is going to be some weirdo.  I got to the date, which was at the mall food court, and sitting at the table was the handsome superhero.  He was dressed in all purple, which is my favorite color, and across his chest in white letters read I’m your man.  I almost fell over right there because he was so handsome.  The first thing he said to me was, “honey, we are going somewhere you are going to love.”  So he threw me into his arms and we landed in Italy around 7p.m.  We ate some real pasta and talked about his intriguing life. My heart melted when he talked about how much crime he puts up with and stops.  I usually do not fall for guys this fast either, this means something. He even saved Spiderman’s grandma when she was getting robbed. Where was Spiderman?  He is way better than any other superhero because he has the whole package.  He is super handsome, has a nice black car that spits fire, and has the romantic side a woman dreams of.  After the dinner date he stretched his arms around me and we went scuba diving.  We zoomed down to the Indian Ocean.  We swam with sharks and intact with his cape he has a bubble that you can go under water in.  The sharks tried breaking the bubble to eat us, but it is too strong; kind of like his muscles.  I saw flounder and little mermaid trying to escape from Ursula.  She is so mean.  We helped them get back to the trident where they belong.  My superhero date even gave little mermaid some legs so she could be as happy as us.  It was around 6 in the morning now and we decided to go on a safari Africa.  This is something I have always wanted to do, so of course my amazing superhero would love to take me.  We were roaming the lands as we witnessed mufasa lifting up simba.  The sound of hyenas is all we heard, so we could not hear the ceremony.  We kept going and saw the magnificent of the wondrous land.  I am so into my superhero boyfriend and thanks to my friends I have had the best birthday ever.  “Beep, Beep, Beep.”  My body became conscious and I realized it was all just a dream!   

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My Roommates

My roommates are the type that a person hopes for.  I mean of course we argue sometimes but how can I not love them? They cook supper every night and leave leftovers for me whenever I am done with work.  They clean the house and do not leave the dishes to pile over the sink, which is amazing because I do dishes every night at work.  There is always food in the house, so I don't ever have to buy cereal or milk. When I ask for money they provide me some and do not ask for me to pay them back.  I honestly love them for all of this but most of all because they are my parents:)