Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Graduating Narrative

It was finally our day; we are the class of 2010. I started out my morning waking up with the feeling of excitement.  The most excited I have ever been.  The type that gives a person butterflies to the point of a stomach ache. It is the feeling that I accomplished a goal, such as getting a perfect grade on an Anatomy exam. That kind of excitement.  I jumped in the shower and got ready for the big day.  What I was wearing at that moment did not matter, it was that oversize stiff gown and the cap that fell lopsided I would be walking across the stage in that mattered.  Even though we all looked so goofy, that cap and gown meant so much more.  It is the reality that we have spent the past 12 years being educated, and now it is all coming to an end. It did not matter what our plans ahead of each of us were, walking across that stage was a feeling of triumph to anyone.  Some of my classmates will move away, some will stay in town, some will go to the military, and some will start families and most will further their education.  That is what these past 12 years prepared us for. Some might call it a 12 year sentence, but not me.  This is where I met my best friends, met amazing teachers, and made memories. The clock was turning fast, though, and it was 11:00a.m. We are all joined in the La Crosse center waiting anxiously to make our final walk. Practice after practice, it is down to nail biting and finger tapping. The pleasant smell of flowers lingered in the nose as we waited.  Standing hip to hip in two single file lines with the partner we will walk in with. The teachers that we have had throughout the years are walking towards us giving each one of us handshakes and hugs.  These are the people who have inspired me to further my education, some more than others. This is the proof that it is time. The hands on the clock finally hit 11:30. I look at my partner, Mitchel, “Ready, set, here we go.”

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