Tuesday, September 14, 2010


It was a hot summer day in Lexington Kentucky. Jimmy and Petula were playing in the pool.  Jimmy saw something in the bottom of the pool and decided to swim down and find it. I remember the look on his face when he pulled up the object. It was a look that he knew would change our lives forever.  I was so excited to see what it was.  I waddled over to him; you wouldn’t believe what he had found.  It turns out he found an old sunken boat that was used for diamond transport.  We soon alerted our parents and they helped us retrieve the contents of the boat.  Having all these diamonds were going to make us all millionaires.  We each went our separate ways with all this money we had gained, but soon enough came back together and started to plan what we can all do together with the money. Our plans were to invest in the market, invest in the lottery, buy Wal-Mart Company, and buy a house. It was a very tough decision, but we both made up our minds, we bought out all the Wal-Marts in the world. Now we all just sit back, collect our money, and live the life. I think back on the day that we found the diamonds and wonder how life would be if we had not found them diamonds. Would I have gone to school or be struggling to make money to live? All I know is that life is good and fortunate things come at unexpecting times.


  1. If only life were that easy to come across treasure!

  2. What a very interesting story made up by many different peoples thoughts. It was a good story though.
