Monday, September 6, 2010

3-D Movies

Movies are a type of entertainment that has been around since the late 1880’s and continue to be popular. There are new movies that come out weekly in both DVD and Blu-ray, but with the expansion of new technology there are more and more 3D movies coming out.  Movie producers and viewers are excited because the 3D movies are bringing more of an audience. 3D movies such as Avatar, Toy story 3, Piranha, The last Air Bender, and Resident Evil have been big hits for 2009-2010 because of the new phenomenon. Also, the movies that have come out in 3D have been made for a wide demographic. For example, Toy Story 3 was made for children, teens that watched Toy Story 1 when it first came out, or even adults that take their children to the movie.  My first 3D movie experience was when I went to Avatar and it has became my favorite movie.  The movie was epic and in box office it made $755, 286, 039. 3D movies are an experience that everyone should go see.


  1. I personally have never seen a 3-D movie but have wanted to for a real long time. They do seem like they would be real fun and just crazy to see things coming out at you from a tv screen.

  2. Yeah they are super neat! I think all movies someday that come out in theaters will come out in 3D.
