Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I was listening to a song the other day, "What Kinda Gone" by Chris Cagle.  It made me realize how a word can be perceived in so many different ways.  In the song he sings, "But these days gone can mean so many things, There's gone for good and there's good and gone, And there's gone with the long before it...Well there's gone for the day and gone for the night, and gone for the rest of your dogone life, is it whiskey night or just a couple beers, I mean what kind of gone are we talkin bout here."  When a person says gone they could mean a person is gone because they are drunk.  A person could be referring to a person gone out of their life because she left him.  Another way of interpreting gone could mean a person is gone for the day or night, or even on a trip.  This song always makes me think of how ambiguous a lot of words are.